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Come connect with hundreds of students at our March 5th Virtual Career Fair

Register for our Spring Virtual Career Fair

How we can
help you grow

Gen Z and younger generations are not only going to be the most impacted by climate change, they’re also developing into some of the most informed and committed advocates, entrepreneurs, and tech-savvy professionals eager to make an impact. 

If you’re hiring for early-career roles but don’t know where to source high-quality talent, look no further. College to Climate is a growing hub for qualified, climate-passionate young people looking to dedicate their lives to climate solutions. We want to support your mission! 

Work with us to:

Get connected to student talent
Recruit interns and entry-level hires at our career fairs and events
Connect with universities
Develop internship programs
Get feedback on job descriptions
And more!

Book a free consultation to learn more about how we can help you make the most of early career talent recruitment and program development.

Company Testimonials

"I walked into this event [C2C Symposium] not expecting to know anyone, but ended up seeing two of my friends working in climate speaking on stage. Ended up talking to more than a dozen students, and we’ll probably end up with an intern or two from it. Great opportunity to see what students are looking for these days in terms of sector, job roles, and mission."

Kit Wu, Founder
Laminar Collective

"I believe College to Climate is a crucial stepping stone for students and employers to connect in this fast paced environmental focused job market. I had the pleasure of hosting a session with the group in the early part of 2024 which lead to a semester long ambassador program for our company, Ecotone. Kudos to the work done by the team at C2C."

Elliott Bennett, CFO
Ecotone Renewables

Company Partners

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